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Manage Photos
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Step-By-Step Guide

Help->Know More->Manage Photos

Photos can be managed when "Image" is checked from Image/Audio Transform

  • Add Photos
  1. IphotoDVD support all  formats including BMP, JPG, PNG, TIF, PCX, PGM, PICT, TGA, WMF, EPS

  2. Click "Add" from the "Editorial Shortcuts" to launch the following window


  1. Search and select the wanted photo or photos, then click "Open" from the above window

  2. It is the same to use "Add" under "Edit" from the Main Menu to add photos with the same step as Step 2 to 4.

  3. Photos can be also added by Open an existing project.


  • Remove Photos
  1. Click "Remove" from the "Editorial Shortcuts" to remove the selected photos

  2. It is the same to use "Remove" under "Edit" from the Main Menu.

  3. Click "Clear" from the "Editorial Shortcuts" to remove all the photos without selection


  • Rearrange Photos

Double click and drag to move the picture


  • Preview  Photo Show

  1. Click "" from the "General Shortcuts" to launch the following window.


  1. Click "Ok" to proceed

  2. "Preview" under "Action" from the Main Menu has the same function.


  • Convert Photos to a Photo Show

  1. Click "" from the "General Shortcuts" to launch the following window (optional if you have not save the project you created)

then the "Ready For Conversion" window will display

  1. Check "Previous pictures disappear gradually" box to have gradual transition

  2. Choose "Improve video quality with" from the list

          Select "None" if no desire to improve video quality

  1. Check the "Output Type" by clicking, detail...

  2. Define the "Output File" in the blank and click "" to browse

  3. Click "Ok" to proceed. Conversion process is visible as showed beblow:


  1. Click "Cancel" to stop the conversion if needed

  2. "Convert" and "Stop" under "Action" from the Main Menu have the same functions.





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