MagiTime For
most of today's digital cameras the photos are saved in JPG files. The date
and time at which a photo is taken are stored along with the image in so
called EXIF format. Such date and time information can be viewed on a PC
once the JPG files are transferred from the digital camera to the PC. When
you make a hardcopy of a digital photo by using a color printer or by
sending it to a photo lab, the date and time do not get printed on the
hardcopy photo. By using Magitime, the date and time are extracted
from the JPG files and superimposed onto the photos. This way when a
hardcopy is made from the JPG file, the date and/or time will show up on the
MagiTime is designed to work for JPG photo files( the most
popular digital camera output file format) only, it may
work for EXIF conformed TIF photo files, but not for photo files of
other formats.
